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Knowledge Mofo

Static Vs Dynamic

There are two main website types either “static” in the context of websites usually means fixed, unchanging content, while “dynamic” implies that the content can change based on user interactions or external data. In the context of software, “static” typically refers to software with fixed, unchanging functionality, while “dynamic” software can adapt and respond to […]

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Knowledge Mofo

Payment Gateway

Imagine you’re shopping online and you’ve filled your cart with items you want to buy. When you’re ready to pay, you enter your credit card information. This information needs to be securely transmitted to the seller, and that’s where the payment gateway comes in. The payment gateway acts as an intermediary, encrypting your payment details

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Knowledge Mofo

No Code

No-code, also known as “no-code development” or “no-code software,” refers to a category of software development tools and platforms that enable individuals to create applications, websites, and software solutions without the need for traditional coding or programming skills. No-code platforms are designed to simplify the application development process by providing visual interfaces, pre-built templates, and

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Knowledge Mofo

Knowledge Mofo

What Is An Algorithm

An algorithm is a step-by-step set of instructions or a well-defined procedure for solving a specific problem or performing a particular task. It’s like a recipe or a roadmap that guides you through a series of actions to achieve a desired outcome. Algorithms are fundamental to computer science and mathematics, but they are used in

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Knowledge Mofo

Google Analytics Engagement Rates

Imagine Google Analytics as a special tool that helps you understand how people behave when they visit your website. It’s like having a superpower to see what your website’s visitors are doing. Now, think of your website as a playground. People come to play on your playground, and you want to know if they’re having

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Knowledge Mofo

Knowledge Mofo

Domain Names

Imagine the internet is like a giant city with lots of houses. Each house has its own address, but instead of regular street names and numbers, they use something called IP addresses, which are like very long and complicated codes. Now, here’s where domain names come in. They’re like friendly nicknames for these houses. So,

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Knowledge Mofo

Knowledge Mofo

Website Hosting

Imagine a website as a library, and this library has books, pictures, and all kinds of interesting things. Now, for others to see and use this library, we need a special building to keep it in – that’s the web server. The web server is like the library’s home. It’s a strong and fast computer

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Knowledge Mofo

What is An “A Record”

Think of the internet like a huge map where every website has its own special location, just like houses in a town. To visit a website, you need to know its exact address. Now, websites don’t have regular addresses like houses, but they have something called an IP address, which is like a secret code

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Knowledge Mofo

What is a DNS

DNS (Domain Name System) nameservers are like the address books of the internet. They help your web browser find and connect to websites using their easy-to-remember domain names, like “” or “” Here’s how it works: When you type a web address into your browser (e.g., “”), your computer needs to figure out the actual

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Knowledge Mofo

What is Zapier

Zapier is an online automation tool that allows you to connect various web applications and automate tasks between them. It enables you to create workflows, known as “Zaps,” which can link different apps and services to trigger actions based on specific events or conditions. Here’s how Zapier works: Trigger: This is an event that starts

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